
Showing posts from July, 2018

Our Trip to CURUG TARINGGUL, The Hidden Waterfall

About almost a year ago, at 23 of July 2017, my friends and I went to the hidden waterfall, Curug Taringgul. It's one of the waterfalls in Pangandaran Regency and it's still new that time. I guess, it's still not really popular right now. Maybe it caused by the conditions, the distance, and yeah something like that. My friends and I chose this place to visit coz our curiosity about this waterfall. Actually so many my classmate talked about this place and I was wondering and decided to visited this kind of place. If I'm not wrong, that time which is I went there is our summer holiday and we wanted something like mini trip to made our hormones happy? lol. It was sunny day and we went around after dzuhur time. Can you imagine how the weather was? Hmm. This place is located in Cibanten Village, Cijulang sub-district, Pangandaran Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Spent around an hour from Pangandaran down town. And from our place too. It was so far from my place, indeed. ...

SUTRA REREGAN, Sail Over The Trees

Pangandaran Regency has so many wonderful places that will amaze you by the beauty of nature in Pangandaran. It never stop finding new spot destination, and now Sutra Reregan is the new one. It is located in Selasari Village, Parigi sub-district, Pangandaran Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. Spending an hour from the down town of Pangandaran Town within 22 km. You can get there by drive car and ride motorcycle only. There are not available for bus or mini bus but if you can't go there with your vehicle, you still can go there with OJEKS (motorcycle taxis). If you want to get the navigation accurately, you can use GOOGLE MAPS. It is very easy and simply to use, but you need to connect to Internet of course. Here's the link . Sutra Reregan is like a hill and there are so many beautiful spot for your Instagram feed. You also can enjoy the view from the top of the hill. The distance between parking area and the top is not far also, so don't worry about that one. ...

Journey to BATU NUNGGUL BEACH (The Other Side of Batu Karas Beach)

Well, on the last June of 2018 I went to Batu Nunggul beach with my friends. Actually it was on our holiday period and we don't know what to do so we decided to go there. Why should Batu Nunggul beach? Haha I don't even know why, even we know that the condition of the place that time still awful, I mean not really beautiful. And you know what, we didn't know the route and where the exactly place so we got lost also, I'll tell you below. I think it was because of the calmness of the place and there must be no people, no tourists, and silent. If they were any people, it must be a fisherman or sugar maker who climb the coconut trees. So yeah, we chose that place. One of my friend recommend to go see Citumang but she lose on her argument lol. It was a shiny day and we went on around 9 am (actually it should be 8 am but the habit still defeated us). We rode our motorcycle and fortunately the road is vacant and we didn't meet the traffic jam. And yeah we arrived aft...

Penyakit Cystitis pada Organ Urogenital oleh patogen Staphylococcus saprophyticus


Pemanfaatan Bakteri Pediococcus cerevisiae dalam Fermentasi Sosis pada Bidang Industri Makanan

Pediococcus adalah genus salah satu bakteri yang termasuk Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) berbentuk sferis atau terbagi ke dalam dua bidang sehingga membentuk pasangan dan disebut tetrad (terususun empat), atau gumpalan sel sferis yang lebih besar. Bakteri ini memiliki ciri non-motil atau tidak dapat bergerak, termasuk golongan fakultatif anaerob ( bakteri yang dapat hidup dengan oksigen atau tanpa oksigen) , termasuk homofermentatif (hanya menghasilkan asam laktat ), termasuk gram positif, dan tidak dapat menggunakan pentosa (karbohidrat beratom C 5 ).  Bakteri Pediococcus cerevisiae digunakan dalam pembuatan sosis tetapi tidak semua jenis sosis dibuat melalui proses fermentasi. Sosis fermentasi dikenal dengan istilah dry sausage atau semi dry sausage . Contoh sosis jenis ini antara lain adalah Salami Sausage, Papperoni Sausage, Genoa Sausage, Thurringer Sausage, Cervelat Sausage, Chauzer Sausage , dll. Pediococcus cerevisiae dapat menghasilkan asam organik unt...