There was an old man with a beard, who said, "It is just as I feared!— Two owls and a hen, four larks and a wren, Have all built their nests in my beard! by Edward Lear When you read a funny story, poem or article, you’ll find yourself smiling or even laughing, and feeling much happier afterwards. How do writers achieve this magic? And how can we understand this art and maybe even practice it in our speech and writing? That’s what we’ll learn in this lesson. Different people find different things funny, but there are a few tricks that humor writers use to get us laughing. Let’s see what they are. 1. Setting up expectations and delivering completely different results: Surprise is an important element of humor. Read the poem we began with. We’re not expecting the birds to be living in a beard, and that’s what makes the poem so funny. 2. Unlikely comparisons and exaggerations: Authors often use comparisons between two very different objects or exaggera...