
Objective: In this lesson, you will learn about expressing your care to others.


Key Points

In both writing and speaking context, you will need to know about how to express your care or attention whether it is an opinion, idea, suggestion, impression or what comes in your mind when seeing any certain phenomenon such as what other people behave or when they ask you to give any opinion. This is called caring.
For example: 
• You made a good job! (expressing an opinion)
• I think you would be better to get some rest (showing a suggestion)
• That is a good choice (showing an idea)
From the examples above, we know that there are many ways to express care. One thing to note is that we have to make the expression suitable with the condition we are in it. Different condition needs different responses that we have to know how to distinguish the usage. However, there are many common words you can use when showing your care. Those words are as follow: 
I guess…
I think…. 
According to me,…
In my opinion,….
It would be better if… 
You would be better if….
You look…
You look like…
Pay attention to the following examples and notice the differences among them.
You look so beautiful tonight! (showing care or positive impression on others’ look)
You would better study harder (showing care when seeing a bad grade of student)
That’s exactly what you have to do! (showing satisfaction or commendation on others’ work)
All above expressions show what is in your mind responding anything happens around you. However, not every expression clearly mentions that it is YOUR opinion, idea, thought, impression or suggestion. For example, when you say, you would be better to drink any vitamin, as a suggestion showing your care for your friend’s health, it actually implies I think or I guess. The same thing happens for other expressions that do not mention I think or other meaningfully-same words.
Based on those explanations, you know that caring expressions are: 
- Describing anything that comes in your mind when looking at anything around you as an indication that you care of it
- Possibly consisting of opinion, idea, suggestion, impression and thought as well 
- Set to be suitable with the condition you are in it or the expression you want to show to others

- Either possibly mentioning direct words that it is your expression or not


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